Sunday, December 18, 2011


Since becoming a mama, I have thought a lot about the traditions I want to pass along to Hannah.  After moving out of my parents house I didn't really do much to mark the passing of the seasons or the various holidays mainstream North America chooses to celebrate.  I don't consider myself a Christian, or a member of any particular faith really.  It seems to me that most of the "Christian" holidays we celebrate have become fairly removed from their original meanings anyway.  If I am going to celebrate something, I want it to have a purpose.  I want it to have meaning.  I do not want to celebrate consumerism and capitalism.  I don't want to feel pressured into buying things or giving things to show people I care about them.  But I would like to celebrate some things.  I would like to pass along traditions to the next generation.  One thing I would like to do is recognize the winter solstice.  Light returning is a good thing.  I attended a solstice celebration a few years back at a friends place.  We gathered for a pot luck and then walked a candle lit labrynth.  Everyone wrote down things they wanted to bring into their lives with the returning light, and also things they wanted to let go of.  Then we had a bonfire and those who wanted, put their papers into the fire.  It was a really simple, yet meaningful way to mark the day.  We sang and shared each others company, ate good food and set intentions.  This year we are in the middle of moving so the holidays have sort of been put on the back burner.  However, I intend to mark the solstice, even if it is only me, Hannah and a small fire.      
It's hard to believe, but Hannah is two!!  Nothing shows the passing of time quite like a growing baby.  She is very talkative now, currently sitting beside me showing me pictures of potties in a magazine and telling me about them.  "Oh my god, it's a duck potty mama!"  Oh my god mama, you need to check your language! 
Speaking of potties though, Hannah is totally down with the potty!  She hasn't been wearing diapers at all since about 14 months.  However, we still had the occasional accident, usually when we were travelling or if I wasn't there to make sure she had the opportunity to use the potty.  But for the last couple months she has been really good about telling me when she needs to go.  So now that I am on the other side of all this potty training/elimination communication/diaper free business, I am able to look back on the experience and I must say, it was totally worth the extra effort!!  I was thinking about it the other day and I think I only changed about 20 or 30 poopy diapers in Hannah's whole life!  I honestly can't imagine having done things any other way.  It seemed daunting in the beginning, trying to be diaper free with a new born, but I am so glad I stuck with it.  The awareness that you develop bonds you with your baby in a more complete way.  I see other mama's really struggling with potty training their 2 and 3 year olds while for us it was such a natural transition, Hannah had been potty training since birth.  So to any mama's out there who are considering going diaper free, or who are feeling overwhelmed by it....flow with it.  Things get easier.  Don't put too much pressure on yourself if you have accidents.  Remember you are doing this for your baby and it is such a gift to them...and in the long run, you too!